
Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Thanksgiving and taking

Thank you for the 153 emails that I have received in the past three days reminding me that the 200 million dollar Yankees are out in the first round of the post season for the second straight year. I am aware, thank you very much.

What I am truly thankful for is that this is the biggest problem that I have. My biggest concern in the world is that a bunch of overpaid athletes didn't succeed.

Thank you, Conservative Party of Canada, for calling my dad asking for money at 7:40 PM on Thanksgiving Sunday. While I am sure that the strategy is predicated on ensuring that people will be at home, it ignores the fact that we were eating our holiday feast.

I am willing to bet that they lost more votes then they gained campaign cash.

Thank you, North Korea, for giving foreign policy hawks something to actually worry about. Not that I think anything has changed, it makes me happy to know that there are actual threats out there and not just completely fabricated ones. I look forward to the Eye of Sauron focusing on your piss-ant regime and finally having something done about the worst tin-pot dictator left on the planet. I am sure the newly nominated Secretary General from South Korea has nothing substantive to add to the conversation.

What baffles me is that there is still debate about whether or not the test actually happened. I say we bomb them with food- and not the good stuff, the leftovers from this weekend.

Thank god Parliament isn't sitting this week. My ears need a break.


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