
Friday, July 13, 2007

Stop Being a Dick

Its the second article, stupid

Now, I'm not an expert but...

To suggest that the Vice President is not subject to an executive order to submit information because his is a legislative office rather than part of the executive is pretty much the dumbest thing I have heard this week. I understand that this is a vast over simplification of the issue, but ultimately, they are hanging their hat on the fact the the VP breaks ties once a year. I mean, from "time to time" the President speaks to Congress, does that make his a legislative office?

The simplest question is if the VP was a legislative office, why would he even have information that was subject to the Archives' Information Security Oversight Office? How did he get it? Stole it from George's desk? Executive advisors are subject to rules pertaining to executive privilege. I guess Dick doesn't advise anymore? He sits in Cabinet for shits and giggles.

If we turn to the federalist papers, there is no mention of the Vice Presidency as anything other than the person who breaks ties and becomes the president if the current one can't do it anymore. Inferring the current view from the conventional role and the historic development of the office is - to be blunt - a wildly active (oh, the irony) expansion of the office. If this issue is resolved judicially - and it might be because of the stubborness of the players involved - I can't wait for the slap down that the Roberts court will hand out.

The largest issue here is the swagger with which Dick taunts Congress. When he was in a majority position, that would have worked. Dick was very important to majority leadership. Not so much anymore. But, very much like his norther cousin, he is governing like he has a majority.

Frankly, I kind of like the idea of having a "shadow" government. Especially when the existing government is such a total clusterfuck. Given that the constitution notes that the Office of Vice President is elected the same way that the President is, can we assume that this Vice President will even leave office when the next President is sworn in?

But, what can we expect from a President who has so much disdain for the constitution, that he is considering a run for a third term.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And all this does nothing to shake your faith in the congressional system? Between news on this story, and all of Bush's "signing statements", I've been completely bewildered by trying to follow US politics.

7:19 a.m.


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