
Tuesday, June 19, 2007

C is for CAR!!!

From the Eco-Action website:

To qualify, follow these five easy steps:
1) Hire a qualified energy advisor to perform an energy evaluation of your home.
2) Select the improvements from your home energy action checklist.
3) Implement the recommended energy upgrades within 18 months.
4) Call your energy advisor to perform your post-retrofit evaluation, to confirm your new energy rating and to submit your application on your behalf.

They forgot Step Five

5) Rent a remarkably fuel-inefficient vehicle and race it around an oval track 200 times as a form of political advertising.

Stephane Dion is going to sponsor a dude in the Tour de France, I'd bet.

I do know that these cars do not exactly have a long shelf life - their goal being to get around a track at breakneck speeds and to do so a fraction faster than their opponents. I can't wait for that news footage as the "C is for Car" erupts into a ball of flame after being hit by the "Tide" car.

Seriously, if the Government Party is doing this, doesn't it completely undermine the idea behind the emasculation (that word choice was deliberate) of the domestic manufacturing sector through feebates? I am 100% that this vehicle would not qualify for a rebate.

The glib jokes about this aside, I have never quite understood the Nascar craze. I drive cars, and watching other people drive fast usually means I am in traffic going the other way. Lewis Black put it best when he said "People of Atlanta and Boston go to see Nascar because they really don't know what driving is about - Everyone else has no excuse."

In my opinion, there has never been a better example of the largesse of North America than its desire to openly squander a significant amount of non-renewable resources purely for entertainment and Manufacturing bragging rights. They are literally driving in circles - and it is disturbingly loud. No bias here- I like Golf, Baseball and Hai Alai - very passive and relaxing when compared to the "ZOOOOOOOOOM CRASH SMASSSSSSH" of Nascar.

Luckily, they are ready to set me straight -

NASCAR spokesman Jason Christley said cars in the Canadian NASCAR circuit use unleaded gas, which is better for the environment than leaded gas (from the
above link)

Well, ok then. I hear that .33 caliber bullets are better for your lungs than .50s

The topper is that they are actually sponsoring Pierre Bourque's car. There are many who would say that Mr. Bourque is not exactly balanced - I am NOT one of them- I think he seizes on all ridiculous stories, not just ones that make Liberals look bad. I will admit, however, that his propensity to continue to kick the Liberals when they are down is quickly growing tiresome.

That said, if a single voter decides to change their vote because of this, it is time to invite the Queen back to govern for a decade or two. There is a difference between pandering to the lowest common denominator and encouraging political discourse.


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