
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Climate Change- Half Seriously for us, more seriously for them

The issue just means a lot more to this guy:

Part of me has already made Atlantis jokes, Namor jokes - hell, I have even made immigration jokes. For him, however, it is far more grave.

According to the front page of the Globe and Mail he said:

"On cue, we stand here and tell you just how bad things are. We in the Maldives desperately want to believe that one day our words will have an effect, and so we continue to shout them even though, deep down, we know that you are not really listening."

That sir, is how you get your point across.

Now, I don't want to pretend that Canada is UNaffected by the changing climate - but compared to these guys, we have nothing to worry about. If I thought that Canadian policy would make a lick of difference, I would be the first to the front of the line - JUST TO SAVE THIS GUY's COUNTRY.

Lead by example doesn't work in this case. I am saddened, but it doesn't.


Anonymous Toronto Home Staging said...

I watched the whole video of his speech somewhere and I must say, it was very touching. If the current climate continues then I feel deeply sorry for those that will be affected so greatly. I'm afraid the same will happen to many countries, even Netherlands will have a huge problem if they don't do something quick. Other people don't realize it because they're not threatened to have their lives destroyed completely by nature.

Take care, Ella

4:12 a.m.


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