
Friday, September 18, 2009

I am so sick of H1N1

I saw to things I have never seen before yesterday

1) A recalcitrant John Baird. It is almost as if they drew straws at Cabinet to see who would have to say "I'm sorry" in the House of Commons. He actually seemed genuine and sincere.

2) Actual questions of substance in the House of Commons with actual answers of substance.

So, here is the bottom line - there is no UNIVERSE where this clusterfuck can actually be blamed on the tories. At best, it was a poorly timed administrative error. At worst, it was a poorly executed response to a plea for help. Most likely, it was a bit of both. They have protocols to follow - I would recommend they insert a new step in their pandemic protocols

Step X.1 - Ask if they need body bags.

That said, can we drop this story already. Yes- it is the worst flu to hit Canada for a generation. Yes, some populations are more exposed. Yes, people will get sick. Yes - but, good lord there must be other news. Every time they report another case of the flu killing someone, people will get more terrified of something that they should not be worried about.


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