
Thursday, July 23, 2009

Haven't they learned anything?

Ok- a few weeks ago, I saw a news paper that had TWO key headlines. The first was "Gay Community fuming over funding firing" - that is a lot of "f"s. But, really, was anyone shocked that a cabinet minister in THIS government got rapped for giving PRIDE money?

Kudos to her.

On the opposite side of the page, the headline was "Catholics aghast over Host pocketing" - my first and only thought is "you have to work REALLY hard to get those two groups to both be against you."


In an unrelated story, newly appointed tourism dollars czar Tony Clement made this "announcement" fresh off his most recent trip to Sudbury which went over like a Sudbury Sunday morning after a Sudbury Saturday Night (google it, Stompin' Tom).

Ok, so in a province where you are trying to make in roads, and after already giving money to the Toronto PRIDE festival, you decide to not fund an event that will increase economic activity and simultaneously raise the ire of the most socially liberal province.

And, they did it FIVE DAYS before the event.


Oh Diane, how I miss thee.


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