
Tuesday, June 02, 2009

I thought Canada's Conservatives hated litigation?

Terrorists will be stopped by Nuisance suits

OK seriously, what assets are we going to lean on, exactly - their Embassies? They have conventions that apply to various forms of Crown Immunity, don't you know.

And, to be blunt, do we really want to expose Canada to the same suits based on what Greenpeace does trying to save whales? Technically, in Norway and Japan, terrorism.

Or, I don't know, free speech advocates in countries that EDC works in? Oy.

Now, I am not an expert, but I am not sure that Suicide bombers tend to have vast fortunes that can be used to settle these kinds of debts. Because, they can buy their way into heaven.

I can't wait to have a closer look at the legislation, because according to this news report, it would be Cabinet who designates an organization as a terrorist group, or a state as supporting terrorist activities.

So, any groups immediately come to mind? Tamil Tigers? Can I sue them for holding me up on Wellington?

Or maybe something closer to home. Would it be the Government of Canada or Quebec that gets sued? Elections Canada for providing them with the funding?

This is another STUPID bill that accomplishes nothing. If you want to be tough on crime and tough on terror, why don't you actually do something to stop it - instead of forcing individual citizens to sue their grief away.


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