
Monday, January 12, 2009

Oh, the irony- my 300th post is about baseball

So many things in baseball make 300 important -

300 Home runs, wins - both huge plateaus to surpass in a career. Now, apparently irrelevant...

I am happy for Ricky Henderson. He was the best base-stealer of all time. No doubt. Arguably the best lead off man.

He did a LOT of drugs. But, he did coke instead of steroids. He ACTUALLY violated the league's drug policy, as opposed to Mark McGuire, who used growth hormones which were illegal, but not a violation of the policy.

I am sad that Mark McGuire's vote total did not increase significantly. If the test for keeping him out was that he cheated/broke the law, it should apply to Ricky as well. Yeah, coke probably didn't help him perform, but it is analogous to the 'image' issue that hurts McGuire.

The implication of the McGuire decision is horrible on several stars. The most obvious is Barry Bonds, who is a walking pharmaceutical company. He deserves to be in the Hall - he has hit the most home runs. The other is Roger Clemens. He was the MOST dominant pitcher in Baseball in the late 80s and early 90s. Then he kept going in the late 1990s. There remains exactly NO evidence that he did steroids other than the uncorroborated anecdotes of a personal trainers who has every reason in the world to lie.

I think that the goofballs at the BWAA should look at what people actually did as opposed to what might have helped them do that.


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