
Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Timing is Everything. And Nothing

Right and Wrong. There is a matrix for what is a good/bad idea compared to when to/not introduce it. Let me lay it out for you.

Right Idea, Right Time - Cutting a massive deficit at the beginning of a majority government. Cutting programs that, while excessive, were often helpful to citizens. It is still the lasting legacy of Chretien and Martin.

Wrong Idea, Wrong Time - Cutting the GST during a downswing in the economy.

Wrong Idea, Right Time - Promising to cut the GST during an election campaign.

Right Idea, Wrong Time - The Liberal Party Carbon Shift.

Caveats alluded to earlier notwithstanding - this is the correct way to approach the reduction of anthropogenic gases. If you think this is the issue that must be addressed first, this is the best way to do it.

All regulations that affect the output of carbon gases or equivalents/multipliers are defacto carbon taxes. The difference is that they are actually directed at people rather than at companies. It is why the ill-informed Tory lines on this plan resonate.

Of course, when you force sequestration technology on someone, it isn't as if the infrastructure is free. You (as in you, reading this article) bear the costs at a later date. Usually at the pumps.

The problem is, of course, timing. This summer, the price of gas is not going to go down. When Jack gets asked a question about it, he won't answer it, but he will say "Mr. Dion's Carbon Tax will make it far worse."

Which of course, isn't necessarily true. But it resonates.

Similarly, it isn't as if anyone wants to watch politics in the summer. I suspect the media coverage of this over the summer will be nestled somewhere between "none" and "the style pages." Most people are either tuned out or on vacation or both.

But, they do pay for gas.

And that is assuming they didn't just get laid off because the trucks they make aren't being sold in the US because of the cost of energy, the short term housing crisis, the lending crisis, the drive to smaller....etc.

It is really easy for someone who doesn't take the time to understand policy implications will cast aspersions about a policy that can be defined in two words by the opposition. It makes the Liberals look like poor financial managers, which will erode the one lasting legacy of Chretien/Martin.


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