
Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Silly Season, REDUX

The fundraiser was for the homeless shelter for animals. The repeatedly used the expression “euthanized” and at the end they auctioned off a fur coat. We aren’t in Kansas anymore.

The MC of the event was my favourite Cabinet Minister- and Rusty (C - Church/Gerrard) did a fine job. Someone must teach him that you don’t have to have your face pressing against a microphone to make it work.

That said, he told a long story about a hunting experience in his old riding. A current MPP got up to thank him for his speech and made a reference to Dick Cheney (R - Wyoming) and his hunting buddies, and how hunting with Rusty may lead to getting shot in the face. When topped off with a few allusions to sliding in the polls in the early Harris (C - Sensible) years it was comedy gold. Of course, there were only two people cackling in the back of the room, and I may have been one of them. Nobody else seemed to understand.

Silly season is well in hand.


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