
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Baseball, Baseball, Baseball!

2012 Yankees fan is really excited about the changes to the rotation - two new SOLID arms to compliment a 6 man rotation. Move Joba back to the pen. Have Hughes do long relief. It is a great thing.

2015-22 Yankees fan thinks we just traded Babe Ruth, who is actually named Jesus.

Yanks certainly need at least 1 more "on base guy" whether it is a very old Johnny Damon or a mid-priced career player. My biased rankings of the team are

Pitching - A. A solid work-horse starter and

Relief Pitching A+. Adding Hughes and Joba to the pen full time, and arguably the best 3-2-1 combo to close (Robertson, Soriano, Rivera.)

Infield: A. I know Derek Jeter is old. Old Jeter is still better than most others. I know A-Roid is busted. A busted A-Roid is still better than most others. Robinson Cano is the best second basemen in the game - I don't care about the dork that plays for the Sox. Tex is either the best or second best to an over-rated Red Sox first baseman. The only reason we talk about first base is because of Pujols, who couldn't field a turnip, and this is about gloves - not bats.

Outfield: A - very deep defensively. Johnny Damon's Arm makes this a C if he is forced to play out there if he joins the team.

Front end bats - (on base) A. There is no better line-up for getting people on base and in scoring position.

Big Bats (SLG) A. When your fourth best power hitter is Alex Rodriguez, this are looking up for you. Cano and Granderson both deserved MVP votes last year. Tex is a SLGing machine.


Blogger Atlas Hugged said...,27101/

It is funny because it is true

12:59 p.m.


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